View Catalog: Center Heads: Square Center Heads
CS: Square Center Head with V-Prongs -
ESPA: Square Center Head with Flat Prongs for Octagons -
S020: Square Tapered Setting with V-Prongs -
S020L: Lighter Square Tapered Setting with V-Prongs -
S021: Square Tapered Setting with V-Prongs -
S021L: Lighter Square Setting with V-Prongs -
S035: Square Center Head -
S036: Series S036P w / No Peg -
S038: Square Center Head -
SC: Square Center Head -
SCN: SC With Notch To Fit Victor 824 Shank -
SCNL: Square Cener Head for Notched Shanks -
SQTA: Square Tapered Setting with Airline for Octagons -
SVA: Square Setting with V-Prongs and Airline