View Catalog: Baguettes: Baguettes
BS: Straight Baguette -
BSA: Straight Baguette with Airline -
BSN: Narrow Baguette -
BSNA: Narrow Baguette with Airline -
BSW: Wide Baguette -
BW: Wire Baguette -
BWN: Narrow Wire Baguette -
SB: Straight Baguette with Single Prongs -
SBA: Straight Baguette with Airline and Single Prongs -
SBN: Narrow Straight Baguette with Single Prongs -
TB: Tapered Baguette with Single Prongs -
TBA: Tapered Baguette with Airline and Single Prongs -
TBN: Narrow Tapered Baguette -
TBS: Tapered Baguette -
TBSA: Tapered Baguette with Airline -
TBSN: Narrow Tapered Baguette -
TBSNA: Narrow Tapered Baguette with Airline -
TBSW: Wide Tapered Baguette -
TBSWA: Wide Tapered Baguette with Airline -
TBW: Tapered Wire Baguette -
TBWN: Narrow Tapered Wire Baguette